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Diana Shaul Fine Art

Original Paintings and Drawings

Little Girl on the Stage

Ballerinas in tutus under spotlights, against a maroon background. Original painting in acrylic and mixed media.

Story: I catch a glimpse of her. I am lucky. If I'd blinked at that instant, I'd have missed her. I haven't seen her in a while. I'd presumed her lost, a small sacrifice in the making of an accomplished ballerina. Nevertheless, I often think of her, that little girl I used to drop off at ballet class on Saturday mornings. She always seemed a little bit surprised that she just might excel at this thing she so loved to do, a little unsure of herself even when she was showered with encouragement and praise from those who knew what they were talking about. I didn't expect to see her again, least of all after such a magnificent dress rehearsal, but maybe she's exactly where she's meant to be. Her soft eyes tell me that you take no comfort in applause, that you firmly believe that talent is no catapult to success, acutely aware that your road to here was built of determination and hard work. Even as I swear I've seen perfection, it's her promise that you'll try for more. She doesn't take her dream come true for granted. That little girl lives inside you. She was never lost at all.

Media: Acrylic and mixed media

Surface: Canvas board

Size: 12" x 10"; 30.5cm x 25.4cm