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Diana Shaul Fine Art

Original Paintings and Drawings

A House Like Me

Painting of a blue-painted town house with a cherry-red door and shutters, a bay window and flower-filled window boxes.

Story: The house is entirely itself. I know that sounds a little crazy, but as soon as I saw it, I noticed that it had its own personality. And I could tell that it cared not a jot about impressing me. It would never apologise for having brickwork painted the turquoise-blue of a tropical ocean. Its cherry-red shutters and door were supposed to be that bright! It believed that flowers should overflow from window boxes, and it took pride in having a tree by its side. As for the bay window, the house didn't give a fig whether or not I might appreciate lots of light and a view of everything going on outside! I knew straight away it'd be wrong to try to make changes – but I had none in mind. The house reminded me of someone I know very well: quirky and determined, it knew its own mind.

The house is entirely itself. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was mine.

Media: Acrylic and mixed media

Surface: Box canvas

Size: A4 (21cm x 29.7cm x 1.5cm [depth]; 8.3" x 11.7" x 0.6" [depth])